The Crowson Bowl

The Crowson Bowl is awarded annually to a person who in the Gala Committee’s opinion has made a substantial contribution to the Gala over a prolonged period of time.


The Committee are pleased to announce that this year the Crowson Bowl is to be awarded to Matthew Naylor. Matt has supported the running of Gala for many years. He has been seen running various Scouts’ stalls; but Matt’s true support has been behind the scenes – from Friday set-up prior to Gala, through Saturday’s final preparation to Sunday take-down. Matt has been a true team player and much appreciated for his hard work and commitment to making Gala a success.


Matt has been a member of Dore Scout Group for over 10 years. He has supported each Section - from Beavers to Scouts - on site, on visits and camps.  He was a Scout Troop Leader before recently moving across to join the Explorer Unit attached to our Scout Group. 

For those of you that have attended our annual Bonfire Night and Firework Display, you may not know, Matt was a member of the support team and our trained pyrotechnic. Over a number of years, he has helped set-up the event, sourced the fireworks, designed, planned and produced the firework display.


Sadly, Matt has decided to step-down from Scouting at the end of this term. He will be sorely missed. We hope he will still continue to support our Scout Group, Gala and Bonfire Night behind the scenes.